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   Air freight business The current position:Home » Air freight business  
    The long-term stability of the cargo that novartis company from airlines can get the most competitive price, and in freight season with fixed shipping space and provide precedence. Our site operation department at the airport station are in stock on that day all the customs declaration, the ability of the flight plan on that day, and at the same time, with strong field operation ability, and the timely handling of the incident. For importation of goods, can also provide customs clearance delivery service on that day. For the customer delivery of the goods, the emergency can do on thmorning and drove the arrival of the day the afternoon flight departing. The clock in the operation at the same time, had to overcome the customs and quarantine, and other functional departments and bad weather, and many other factors of difficulties.
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All rights reserved :Novartis (tianjin) international freight agency Co., LTD   Technical support:Shipping enterprises of the Internet
phone :022-59907075 59907095   Record number :津ICP备11005792号
address :No. A, Tianjin International Trade Center, No. 39, Nanjing Road, Hexi District, Hexi District, Tianjin 717