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   Shipping business The current position:Home » Shipping business  
Shipping export:Provide shipping international transport agency business of export goods one-stop services, and the door delivery the goods delivered on time, customer designated location services.
The whole case export service:With southeast Asia, Europe, Middle East, United States, Canada, India and DuoTiao advantages such as lines, with many shipping companies keep good relations of cooperation, to provide preferential and reasonable fares, maintain the customer benefit, with a strong foreign agent network, to providing quality customer service.
LCL export service:Accept small batch of goods business, LCL for customers save freight
Special box export service:Accept refrigerated containers, open box, frame boxes and special containers business and dangerous goods transport
Miscellaneous ro-ro export service scattered:And many of the world's first-class ro-ro company and bulk cargo ship the company has good cooperation relationship. Can all kinds of steel, and carrier vehicles, equipment and steel structure and other kinds of goods
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All rights reserved :Novartis (tianjin) international freight agency Co., LTD   Technical support:Shipping enterprises of the Internet
phone :022-59907075 59907095   Record number :津ICP备11005792号
address :No. A, Tianjin International Trade Center, No. 39, Nanjing Road, Hexi District, Hexi District, Tianjin 717